Hari ni da abes subject killer: Science of Hadith. Bajet masuk yang susah2, yg complicated, last2 kuar yang surface je. Alhamdulillah.. And it was funny how every single one of us tried to compress the 4-months-course into one night. Biasa la kan, student. Kami memang hebat. Ngahahaha. Science of Hadith? Yup.. Budak English pun amek subjek agama tau. Jangan ingat kami jahil sangat.. Hahaha.. pasni harap la xde agie mulut2 cakap budak2 BENL ni bajet omputis, Ashton Kutcher wannabe -
Esok ada 1 paper agie, DRAMA. Yang ni aku pening nak study apa. Seyes xtau -
Sejujurnya, aku x sabar nak tunggu abes sem ni. Sem ni la yang paling mencabar setakat ni. Sem ni bnyak aku buat kawan, hilang kawan, kenal orang, kenal dunia. Macam selama ni aku duk terperap dalam pickle jar pun ade gak. Mujur la sem ni aku rapat ngan orang yang memahami. Ada r jugak tempat aku nk bercerita. So far, memang I'm good in making friends, I love meeting new people and make connection, but I'm suck in keeping them. I'm sorry for those who feels I'm not working hard enough, I don't care enough, I'm not good enough or I'm not appreciating you enough, from the bottom of my cold, sticky heart, I'm sorry.
Enough rantings, kena study sket agie. Doakan aku exam esok kul 9 pagi. And I miss you, yes, kau yang x pandai makan kuaci. Please gimme a call. Enjoy your holiday. Bye2.. Salam..
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