Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Yaya Zamimi Nak Jadi Wanita Ayu?

Ari ni aku nak tulis dlam BM pasal isu hangit yang kita nk bincangkan ni. Muahahaha.. 
Yaya Zamimi nak jadi wanita sejati? Pandai memasak, menjahit, penyayang etc...? 
Mungkinkah terjadi? 
Mungkinkah boleh kita wartakan sebagai The 8th Wonder of the World?

Bukan Wondergirls!

Oklah.. bagi mereka2 yang x kenal agie Yaya Zamimi, ni aku beri serba sedikit pasal beliau:

Born in July 4th 1991 (ye, dah tua)
Has an unidentical twin, Wawa Zamimi
Has 8 siblings, klau x silap
Menetap di Kuantan
Masih belajar di IIUM Petaling Jaya in AIIied HeaIth Science (Sumpah pelik nama dia, ni pon x betul)

Aku terinspired nak wat post ni lepas membaca entry tervaru beliau, Aku Dah Ready Nak Jadi Wanita
Tengok layout page dia cam ayu je an? Pink, well organised..
 X tengok agie profile pic beliau:

Fb beliau

Tapi, jangan tertipu!! Jangan!! Saya ulangi skali agie.. JANGAN!!
Kerana.. Kat skolah die ni ah champion, lari sana lari sini, kawad sana, kawad sini, sepak orang sana, sepak orang sni, maki orang sana, jerit orang sini.
Ada sorg budak laki da pernah kena lempang pon ngan dia.
Sebab tu ah kat INTEK dlu, dia digelar Singa Betina. 
Semua takutkan beliau, junior, senior, laki, pompuan, pakcik kebun, makcik kantin..

Masa Form5, aku dengar dia ade wat oath nak jadi pompuan sejati ayu dalam masa 2 tahun, masa dia 19 tahun tu r kot.
Lega r sket aku masa tuh.
Kurang r sorg pengganas kat muka bumi nieh.
Pastu alih2, ak tengok, sama jea.. -.-"
Hampa r sekejap... Pastu ok semula

Tup tup, kuar plak statement dia dlam blog die tuh kate da bersedia nk jadi pompuan ayu..
Alhamdulillah.. mengucap aku wat kali ke-2.
Kalau la betul, harus aku wat kenduri 7 hari 7 malam.. 
Yelah kan, kawan da nak berubah ke arah kebaikan..

Nape aku cakap camtuh? 
X baek en..?
Cam brutal sgt Yaya uwh..

X caye?? Kau tengok nieh:

Ni antara yang masih terkumpul di FB.
Yang laen dipercayai gigih diremove olehnya utk menjaga reputasi wanita ayu.
Tapi, tu dulu. Dia pernah ckp ngan aku, dia rasa diri dia makin ayu skang..
Da pandai masak, wat kek...
Da cukup r kriteria2 isteri Mithali..

Apa2pon, kita tengok je la nanti betapa ayu, anggun, cantiknye Yaya Zamimi lepas transformasinya nanti ea..
Mana r tau kot2 dia jadi seayu

Lisa Surihani ke... hehe

Papepon, doakan la utk beliau dan untuk keselamatan diri anda sendiri
Moga2, apa yg diimpikan oleh beliau menjadi realiti..

That's it. Penat merapu.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hedgehogs Hedgehogs Hedgehogs YEAAAAHHH!!

Assalamualaikum and greetings to you, readers of this wretched blog.

Yeah I know.. This blog is 'live shy, die don't want'. In fact, I've only posted 7 entries since I entered IIUM. I'm a busy man, really (?), with theatre, studies, girlfriends (??), stuffs, and worse, FINAL EXAM.

yeah.. I know.

But being a brad pitt like me, this doesn't stop me from wandering, loafing around with my friends. So, yesterday, when we went out for celebrating Nazrin Kuyen's belated birthday, I went into a pet shop and couldn't help myself noticing a thorny, tiny little ball the size of my palm, curling himself at a corner of a container. It read 'Hedgehogs, Rm265'.

Love at the first sight they said

That evening, despite the exhaustion, aching of the whole body, my eyes refused to close as it always do. I kept thinking about this thorny ball. I want it!! SO BAD!!

I'm that kinda person who if he wants things, wants it badly. This is also agreed by mother. But, don't put a label on me, okay. No 'spoilt brad' and such things yg seangkatan dengannya. You've not met my younger brother yet. Why? I'll tell you in my future-not-yet-shaped-post. Besides, having 7 brothers wont possibly make you a spoilt one, isn't?

I did a little research on this animal, founding despites its name, it has NO relation at  all to pigs/ swine/ boar/ babi, whatever you're calling it. It just sounds like one, so putting itself in the same case as guinea pigs (bad things for them, right? being cursed every single day of their short life). Even so, domestics hedgehog is worse, as it lives longer than guinea pigs (4-7 years). =.="

Hedgehogs eat almost everything, omnivorous. Therefore, easier feeding. Its main dishes are slugs, snails, insects, berries, grass roots, toads, snakes, earthworms, EVERYTHING. You got it right? Hedgehogs are a powerful natural pest controls. In UK, they keep luring hedgehogs to the garden, getting rid of tiny, yet concerned pests, and also snakes (they have natural immunity towards snakes's venom).
GREAT ISN'T IT??!! It could be my bodyguard as well, hunting the mean cockroaches in my room.

Keeping a hedgehog is easy, commented by many keepers. It lacks of natural predators. When it feels threatened, it'll immediately roll into a thorny ball, scaring the predators away. You surely don't want prickling ball in your mouth, do you? But, usually it is the final means. They'd flee first.

Hedgehogs can also swim, funny, very friendly, though they active at night. Lousy eater, nocturnal, it does sound familiar, isn't? hahaha...

I've been searching for its supplier, hopefully for reasonable price on online pet stores and personal keeper. I've found one for Rm80 per 2-months-old baby. The usual prices ranges from Rm100-200, some reaches until Rm300.

Adorable, right? Yes, I think so too. Pray a lot for me, yeah. Hopefully SHE would consider on giving me this for my birthday. =))
However, if there's anyone out there who're generous n kind enough to buy this for me, 'small the palm, cistern I show you'.