Monday, January 30, 2012

Debaran Result.


Sungguh ni nak bercerita, sampai blog yg dah x terusik lama pun digodam... Malam ni pukul 12 seantero students UIA akan dpt tgk result masing. Masa ni la semayang semua nak cukup, cakap nak baik2, minta maaf dgn org2 yg even x pernah b'ckap (ya, saya dpt chat dr orang yg x pernah bercakap ngan saya pun, minx maaf...  That makes me wonder, apa salah dia pada saya? haha) Okeh abaikan hipokrit tu. Aku xbiasa ckap saya awak ni. Kecuali la bakal ayah mentua ade kat depan.. Itu lain cerita. hehe..

Masa2 cam ni gak ah tidur x kenyang, mandi x selera, makan x basah. Semuanya serba x kena. Bagi aku, dah lama dah. Sejak seminggu lepas rasa x sedap badan....

Memangla ni bukan exam first aku, tapi berdebar jugak., haha.. WHY? sebab ni la first time aku rasa betul2 study masa exam... Sebelum ni x sgt.. Even SPM pun aku bantai haram je... Xde kesedaran.. haha.. Tapi, exam kali ni memang aku berharap sangat. Banyak kot aku study, and mostly aku rasa boleh jawab. Betul ke salah tu belakang kira. Biar lecturer plak wat post sal ni. Except, Morphology (the study of words structure). Morphology memang aku jawab sambil mulut ternganga, mata terbuntang, pandang kiri-kanan.. haha..

Apa2 pun, whatever happens at 12 am ni, goodluck. And I'm praying for those who read this, hopefully we'll get a flying colors result. And, if Afiq Fisal ever read this, I want you to know that I'm praying for you too. Forget the past, bukak buku baru ea. Let us lead our own ways.

Goodluck people. Thanks for reading. =)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rumah Manis Rumah

Salam peeps,

Sekarang ni dah 5 hari dah aku duk umah. Seyes bosan. Adik2 aku gi sekolah. Yang ada pun adik aku yang baru pas SPM. Itu pun bangun kul 12, tido balik kul 3. Xda life punya orang. Lebih kurang sama jah ngan aku. Duk rumah x kuar rumah. haha.. Anak dara jantan en?

Tapi duk rumah ni pun da heaven aku rasa. Makan xyah bayar, xyah guna wifi UIA yang siput, gi toilet pun xyah bayar tiga posen. Semalam aku maen badminton ngan adik aku dari asar sampai maghrib. Dah lama da x buat mende tuh. Petang2 plak duk depan tangga tengok orang lalu lalang. Kalau untung, ade r bakal bini aku lalu sambil jeling-jeling manja. Nak no aku cakap je la.. aku x mkan orang. Kalau x untung, hanya dpt tgk makcik2 berkemban je la. Confirm masuk rumah terus.

Rumah aku xde la mewah sangat. Standard rumah kampung jaaahh.. Ni rumah ke 3 x silap. Mula2 dulu aku duk Kg.Baru Jara, sebelah umah tok, pastu pindah Jengka 10 bila mak dapat kerja sana. Pastu bunyi2 To'ki nak jual rumah kat B.Pusat Jengka nie. To'ki nanges masa tu mak ckp, syg nak jual. Mak pun pujuk la ayah beli rumah ni. Ayah pun beli, modified sket, pastu duduk. Hahaha.. senang je citer. dah itu je yang aku ingat weh.. Tapi ingat agie masa mula duk rumah ni, seram weh. 1st night aku x leyh tdo. Katil kongsi ngan abang masa tu, tapi tetap dengar2 bunyi mengarut2. haha.. Takuuutt.. Nak gi toilet pun tunggu sampai subuh.

Jiran2 sini semua x berubah lagi, kiri depan belakang, except Mak Cik Nora da pindah 2 tahun lepas. Itupun pindah belakang rumah aku jaaahh..

Dulu masa kecik2 aku rajin ah tegur orang, rapat ni ngan semua jiran. Pas sekolah menengah, dapat sekolah Kuantan, jarang balik. Balik pun sebulan sekali, sabtu ahad je. Dah duk rumah plak, tidur la kejenye. Bangun2 da x kenal orang... Standard ah Sleeping Beauty en. Sekarang ni lau aku kuar rumah, jiran2 aku pandang laen je. Makin ensem kot? Ntahla... haha..

Dah la tuh.. Malas nak tulih.. Nak bersiap semayang Jumaat. 
Kbye. Salam

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lembu Yang Lembu.


Tadi da post dah, ni nak post agie... Ari ni aku gaduh agie ngan Lembu. Sape Lembu? Ni ha...

Lembu yang lembu

Hah nampak je comel, innocent, padahal perangai hudusss betul. Serius menyampah ngan dia ni. Baru stay ngan aku for several days, da cukup buat aku rasa serik ngan guinea pig. Yang 20 ekor kat rumah tu xde pulak camni.. GRRR...

Alkisahnya, Lembu ni nama asalnya Brownies, tuan dia ada jumpa aku kat HS cafe masa aku ngan Kambing.. Ohh sweet sweet Kambing~~ N several months later, dia contact aku, tanya nak  x guinea pigs, dia nak bagi free. Aku pun mmg xnak, tp t'pikir Faat nak agie sekor, ak pun terima je la..

Sampai2 je ngan aku, mula2 baek la.. lama2 wat hal. Lembu ni memang cerdik rasanya. Sebab?

1) Dia tahu time bila aku bangun tidur, dia menjerit2 mintak makanan. Aku serong skit je badan, dia dah bunyi. X perlu alarm clock pun dia da kejut aku subuh. Dia mintak makanan camnie:

And dia akan satay camni berbunyi2 selagi aku x bagi makan.

2) Dia x makan pellet. Murah sangat katanye. Selera manusia. Hari2 aku kena bagi dia makan timun. Sayur lain xnak. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, abes RM3 jugak la aku hari2. Sampai makcik jaga kaunter tu pun da kenal aku.

3) Dia kenal suara aku!! Semalam, ak jalan balik, and dia aku punish duk luar, sbb bising sangat. Suara aku dari ground floor menyanyi2 keriangan, terus dia berbunyi!! AARRGGHHH. spoilt!!

4) Dia kenal Kuyen. Kuyen adalah roomate aku yg paling sayang Lembu ni. Nama Lembu tu pun dia bagi. Kadang2 bila aku bengang ngan Lembu, Kuyen ah yang bg makan. N sebab tu la bila nampak Kuyen dia menjerit2 keriangan konon r Kuyen nak bagi dia makan. PPPFFTTT.

5) Dia kenal bunyi plastic n bunyi pintu. Bunyi plastik tu memang semua GP pun aku rasa kenal. Tapi, Lembu ni, everytime orang bukak pintu, dia menjerit2... Dia da set yang bila aku buka pintu je, mesti bwk makann untuk dia. Tu pasal dia menjerit cam GP gila. Memang gila pun.

6) Dia tau2 je bila aku beli timun. Biasanya bila beli timun, aku beli banyak. N then aku bagi kat dia byk2, n klau dia nmpak aku pegang lebihan, menjerit2 ah dia minx agie, even baru lepas makan.

Despite semua description yang konon comel kat atas, aku tetap benci dia, sbb bunyi2 yang bnyk, n demand yang susah, bertambah2 agie beliau menerukkan ekonomi aku sekarang. FAAAAAAAAATT,, AMEK CEPAT LEMBU YOU NI SEBELUM I SEMBELIH!

One More Paper!!!

Salam readers,

Hari ni da abes subject killer: Science of Hadith. Bajet masuk yang susah2, yg complicated, last2 kuar yang surface je. Alhamdulillah.. And it was funny how every single one of us tried to compress the 4-months-course into one night. Biasa la kan, student. Kami memang hebat. Ngahahaha. Science of Hadith? Yup.. Budak English pun amek subjek agama tau. Jangan ingat kami jahil sangat.. Hahaha.. pasni harap la xde agie mulut2 cakap budak2 BENL ni bajet omputis, Ashton Kutcher wannabe -WALAUPUN nickname aku aaron. -.-"-

Esok ada 1 paper agie, DRAMA. Yang ni aku pening nak study apa. Seyes xtau -WALAUPUN dah ade skop- Pelik2 course aku ni? Memang pun. Tapi bukan senang. Camne korang struggle nak memorize formula, eksperimen, camtu jugak la kami struggle nak memorize plots, theories and history, especially French Neoclassicism tu. Apa tu? Ntah. Aku pun x study agie..

Sejujurnya, aku x sabar nak tunggu abes sem ni. Sem ni la yang paling mencabar setakat ni. Sem ni bnyak aku buat kawan, hilang kawan, kenal orang, kenal dunia. Macam selama ni aku duk terperap dalam pickle jar pun ade gak. Mujur la sem ni aku rapat ngan orang yang memahami. Ada r jugak tempat aku nk bercerita. So far, memang I'm good in making friends, I love meeting new people and make connection, but I'm suck in keeping them. I'm sorry for those who feels I'm not working hard enough, I don't care enough, I'm not good enough or I'm not appreciating you enough, from the bottom of my cold, sticky heart, I'm sorry.

Enough rantings, kena study sket agie. Doakan aku exam esok kul 9 pagi. And I miss you, yes, kau yang x pandai makan kuaci. Please gimme a call. Enjoy your holiday. Bye2.. Salam..

Friday, January 6, 2012

Why I Resented Twilight The Series

Dear blog,

I'm sure many of the readers here adores Twilight, well sorry, but not me. I resented Twilight the Series, in fact, Stephanie Meyer has become my least favorite writer. And bless Kristen Stewart, it's not her fault.

I began reading Twilight the Series when I was in IIUM Nilai, doing my foundation, when a friend gave it to me. I spent the next few weeks reading the whole series, and somehow, despite the continuation of urge to keep reading, it doesn't fascinate me, instead, I read just to hate even more.

For me, Stephanie Meyer's works are just the mere fantasy of a typical girl, and that what she's selling. Of course, more girls can relate to that, and that's what makes it countertop sells. Why am I saying this?

1) Edward Cullen is a perfect character of a charming prince.

For me, Edward Cullen here is the most unrealistic of them all. Come on girls, describe your dream guy:

-Handsome: Here's the catch right? I mean, which love novel doesn't portray a handsome hero, and Stephanie Meyer made it clear in all her series. Edward is hot guy at the school who admired by every girl alive, walking through the cafe with all eyes towards him, envied by the boys.

P/S: J.K Rowling's series never once describe Harry as a handsome boy, except from Ginny's perspective.

-Strong, and protective. Edward is very strong as a vampire, in fact, among the strongest in his coven. It's natural sense that a girl always long for a protection from a boy she loves.

-Passionate. From what has been described, Edward is the one who's more passionate. In your love, girl, don't you want a guy romantically staring at you all night, protecting you from any possible harm, threatening to commit suicide after you're break up, want to be with you all second, all day, cuddling on bed, admitting his love to you is worth more than his life?

-Well built: Edward is very fit and sexy, admit that.

-Very rich. Remember how Edward bought a pre-wedding gift of a tank-like Mercedes to Bella before a wedding? And how they spend their honeymoon in the island Esme bought for them? Man, it must be a fortune to buy an island, and a Mercedes, and what's Carlisle working as? A prime minister? Multidollar businessman? No. A doctor.

-Very 'experienced'. Edward is a 109 years-old 'boy' who trapped in 17 years-old body.

-Psychic. Remember when a girl always say to her spouse, 'I wish you know what I want, what I feel right now.' Well, Meyer has it all under her thumb there. Edward, though cannot read Bella's mind, he understands what a girl desires throughout 109 years old of experiences from the girls around him, and give it all to Bella.

-Everlasting love. As a vampire, Edward promised the happily ever after that dreamed by all girls. He cannot die from aging, and he's very strong, unlike other vampires he can stay under sun, no sunburn or whatever, and the only way he could be killed is the lethal battle with a werewolf or, a stick through his heart. Minus all these, you can live with him for as long as you want.

-And, despite all the characteristics of a hot guy above, Edward is still single. In 109 years, he's only has fallen in love once, and that's with the loser driving a red, crappy truck to the school namely Bella. Come on, 109 years? A hot guy? Surrounded by very good looking features (notice how his coven is?).. The only way he could remain chaste is he is gay. That's all I can think about.

That's all I could write for now. I got to study maaa...  To be continued..... The next thing we'll be talking about is about Bella.