Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Is It?


Yeah, I know, cliche intro, "Sorry for the silence, busy, assignments, yada yada", padahalnye x busy sgt pun. Malas je yang sebenarnye. Yelah, sape je pun yg view blog aku nieh. Kawan2 fesbuk, followers yang bengang sal ak x follow dorg balik (I'm sorry yea.. Klau follow tu tggal r link kt chatbox.. ak xpandai trace. Nanti ak follow balik", paling2 pun stalkers yang x pernah penat lelah menyusahkan hidup ak. TQ. Seriously, thank you. U've helped me to brightened up my world and see what I never saw before. As hard as I to admit, u brought out the colors into this life, and for that, I owe you one.

Ok, what else, yeah. Sue da give birth to a girl, namely Cub, which is 2 months a go (YARRKHH?!). And, Panda, my guinea pigs, da menyumbang kepada kebuntingan 2 ekor betina, CoCoPuff, and one that is unnamed yet, and both gave up 2 babies. 2 more sarat mengandung, tunggu masa jea. Tgk la nnt, aku upload cni ea.

Mid Term. Offensive matter. Honestly, aku rasa boleh jawab Mass Comm n Morphology jea. SoHa, Phonetics n Drama aku da campak ketepi. Tengok je la camne nanti.. Harap2 la pass. Target sem ni nak dpt dean list, insyaAllah. Lama dah mak aku tunggu anak dia ni nak dpt dean list.

Oh, speaking of drama, sem ni aku x join mana2 teater sbb da terikat dengan my own play, namely Tartuffe, which is originally a French play. Tartuffe means an imposter in French. Ape tu 'imposter'? Cam con artist la.. Klau layan Ocean's The Series, or Leverage, tau la. Tarikh pementasan, xtau lagi. Between 13-14 Disember. TAHUN ni. X kuasa ak nk tunggu smpai tahun depan.

Sem ni jugak, I've learned something about friendship. Sebenarnya aku da tahan lama, cuma malas nak meletup. Bukan aku takut, but I'm more to thinking about the consequences. Lagi boleh sabar, aku sabar. Tapi da tgk aku da laen tu faham2 je la. STOP YOUR CRAPS. Jangan sampai tangan yang berbicara.

Mungkin aku yang dulu da lama bagi dah, tapi sejak I met someone, dia da banyak ubah aku, jadi lebih rational, patience, matured in short. Dulu aku jenis pemarah, outspoken. Kalau x suka, aku cakap x suka. Sekarang, I'm more to jaga hati kawan, mungkin ada sebab dia wat camtu, I try to reach to him. Tp ni x bermakna selama-lamanya aku berdiam. Lots about this, I learned from him.

Oh no. Him who I'm talking about is not my love life. No. Aku masih waras utk menyintai seseorang yg mempunyai genitals yang sama dengan aku. The world's population is reaching up to 6 BILLIONS. I'm sure there's someone somewhere for me. But for now, biar la dulu. Aku lebih berfikir untuk membahagiakan family aku sebelum membahagiakan anak orang.

Is there someone special in my life? Of course yes. But it's too soon to tell. No rush.

Though, there's a girl I keep my eyes on. She's fair, good looking, and a wife material. Apa tu wife material? Come on, it's not like I keep a long list of that. Ok, you twisted my arm. She's modest, lovable, patience, likes kids, a wonderful cook, and easy on the eyes. Doesn't really to meet the Hitchcock's definition of beauty, (tall, skinny, blonde, humunguos racks, etc) but, hey, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Oh this reminds me of my Drama lecture. Well, I'll save it for our next post, ok? OK. Keep in touch, lau x add aku agie kat fb, add ah. I'd like to know you. If we're already friends, remember me in your prayers, k? I always pray for you.

That's it I think. Thanks for viewing, Assalamualaikum.


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